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This website is constantly changing, and usage of it is suddenly growing faster than I have time to put in to it, especially in light of the unexpected, mammoth expansion of the Frames of Misinformation and Extremism project. However, in the wake of my return to teaching undergraduating statistics, the growing complexity of the stats iin our graduate masters and Ph.D. project, and the growth of users outside of my Youngtown State classes, there will be a series of updates beginning May 2022.


This website was previously known as Statistics Penguin when it was primarily designed for statistics. It can still be accessed using the url The three domain name attached to this website are the following:





The opinions expressed herein are solely the opinions of the author. All original content is the intellectual property of Richard Lee Rogers. You are free to link and use these materials with proper attribution.


Questions or comments? Contact Richard Lee Rogers at


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